Born in Postojna. Ljoba Jenče has lived in Cerknica since birth, where she also attended kindergarten and primary school. In her youth, she spent a lot of time at Lake Cerknica, where she always returns to also in adulthood, both to admire and to be inspired.
Athlete. She joins all the clubs at school, being the most active in the theatre club for recitals and puppets and the sports club, where she excells in acrobatics and gymnastics. From the athletics nationals she takes home a silver medal in javelin throwing and a bronze medal in discus throwing, and from the regional competition a gold medal in shot put. She iss the municipal champion of the Vesela šola (The Happy School). In the first grade she is not selected to perform at the Veseli tobogan (the Merry Slide) talent show because her song is supposed to be too ordinary: it was the folk song “Travnički so že zeleni (The Meadows are Green Already)”. However, she wins first prize at the carnival with her “zamorka” (Negro woman)’ mask. She sings in a choir from the first grade to the junior prom under the baton ofGertrude Zigmund, the music teacher.
As a child, she spends many winter and summer holidays in Lokovec with her maternal grandparents on their subsistence farm, where she becomes attached to the animals and gets used to the solitude, the virgin nature and the simple, pure people. Her grandfather played the violin, clarinet, diatonic and piano accordion. On summer evenings after the mowing, they would listened to his tunes and they also sang together. She has an indelible memory of the sound of the linden trees above her den before the storm. That wind spoke volumes to her about the nearness of distances.
Gimnazija Postojna (Postojna Grammar School) – she is an active student, taking part in activities and being class president for three years. She is also an avid photographer and develops her own photos in the school darkroom.
Franc Zupan, their history professor, instilled in the students, herself included, a love of Slovenian culture, of their compatriots abroad and of singing. She joined the UN Circle and took part in all the excursions to Venetian Slovenia, Resia, the Kanal Valley, and to Klagenfurt in Austrian Carinthia.
Awarded student of Postojna Grammar School in 1979 – In her fourth year, the Board of Professors nominates her for the Republic Prize as the only student from Postojna Grammar School to be awarded for her efforts in the community. She receives a “Petica” (Top Grade) award for excellent students and the art print Kruh v vesolju (Bread in Space) by the painter Darko Slavec at the award ceremony in Ljubljana.
As a reward for her high school graduation, her family gives her money to buy a guitar, which she later buys while visiting her father in Dürn near Cologne, Germany.
She is a member of the Jezerska ščuka (Lake Pike) Cerknica Scout Troop and leads her own detachment, the Fleas; she is the best archer and completes the Forest School in Bohinj. She prepares programmes for camps by the Kolpa River. Later on, she also leads the Klateži (Vagabonds). As a farewell to scouting, she took youngsters hiking across the Pohorje Mountains for bivouacking.
Her father sends her from Germany the book of English ballads she had asked him for, and soon she can sing all the songs and play them on the guitar: Joan Baez: American Ballads and Songs. At that time she does not know yet that Slovenians also had folk ballads, because no one had ever sung them, neither in public nor at home.
University of Ljubljana, Boris Kidric Faculty of Economics, 2nd year, she chooses tourism as her major.
President of the Notranjska Students’ Club (1980/81) – due to illness, she has to re-enrol in the first year of study and accepts the presidency of the Notranjska Students’ Club. A group of students from Notranjska organise debates, round tables and write a joint article of protest under her name against the accumulation of Lake Cerknica according to M. Breznik’s plans. Teleks magazine.
During her studies she meets Tomaž Pengov, who hears her at an internal concert for the Notranjska Students’ Club at the Maribor Students’ Club in Rožna dolina, Ljubljana. He tells her she had to sing, that she had the second most beautiful voice ever and that she should stop singing in English.
Kino VIČ, Ljubljana – a baptism of fire – in the same period, at a concert by Tomaž Pengov, Igor Leonardi and Bojan Drobež, Ljoba Jenče gives her first solo public performance on a PA system in front of an audience. She accompanies herself on the guitar. She sings a folk song from Prekmurje: Soldaki maširajo (Soldiers Are Marching). She sees fairy mists in the hall, people cry, her legs tremble. When she admits it, everyone bursts into laughter.
Tomaž Pengov: PRIPOVEDI (Stories), Cankarjev dom, the Round Hall, LJ as a guest at the promotion of the record.
Federico García Lorca: V meni pa je še življenje (There is Still Life in Me), translation and music by Tomaž Pengov, voice by Ljoba Jenče, recorded by TV Slovenija.
1983 – 88
Unis turist, Sarajevo – LJ works in Ljubljana at the Igriška Street and in Cerknica in a travel agency, organises trips and guides people around Yugoslavia for five years, gets to know republics and nationalities as far as Macedonia. She enjoys organising travel, she loves this profession. However, she notices that tourism is not doing natural parks any good. She considers making a change, because she does not want this to happen to the natural sanctuary of Lake Cerknica.
Snežnik Castle (1983) Slovenske ljudske pesmi (Slovenian Folk Songs) by Mira and Matija Omerzel Terlep and Bogdana Herman – a concert at the Dormouse Night (Polharska noč) festival. For the first time Ljoba hears Slovenian narrative poems, folk tunes and folk instruments such as the gudalo (a ceramic bass), the dulcimer (oprekelj), the singing saw. B. Herman tells her about the book by Zmaga Kumer: Pesem slovenske dežele (Songs from Slovenia). From there, her path completely changes its course. She starts researching among the people if anyone still knows the old songs and slearns them in the process. Especially the way of singing. She discoveres the difference between the live voice of a folk singer and the transcription into a notation system and linear notation of the words. She realises that one can only receive the folk voice through live transmission at a specific location, which is inalienably imprinted in the voice of the people and their singing.
Pod lipo (Under the Linden Tree), broadcast from Cerknica Lake, TV Slovenia, by Gregor Pirš. LJ sings a folk song from Dobec accompanying herself on the guitar: Stoji, stoji to mesto Lož (The Town of Lož is Standing There). She meets personalities such as Pavel Kunaver, the doyen of karst studies, Boris Kralj, a Slovenian theatre actor, Tomaž Perko, an academy-trained painter, and the locals. Jasna Vidakovič, the editor for folk music at Radio Slovenia, sees the show, recognises the archaic quality in her voice and invites her to a radio recording of folk ballads from old tapes in 1987, which she carries out in 1988.
The Year of Travel. Crete – Knossos, for the first time she travels alone to the wilderness with a sleeping bag. Canada – for a visit and then from Ontario, Montreal to Ottawa; she meets indigenous peoples for the first time.
Istanbul – hitchhiking with her friend Sonja Porle.
Studio 14 of Radio Slovenia – records 18 folk ballads, first performances of folk songs, self-accompanied on the guitar, folk music programme editorial, Jasna Vidakovič
She leaves her job of the acting director of an agency and, on the basis of the recordings and a proposed project to collect and recreate folk songs, acquires the status of self-employed professional in culture with the support of the Municipality of Cerknica, the Institute of Ethnomusicology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana (GNI ZRC SAZU) and Radio Slovenia.
A collection of folk songs of Notranjska – Dr Zmaga Kumer gives her guidelines for data collecting in the field. She initiates the collection with the aim of establishing a phonotheque in the future museum at Kravanjeva hiša (The KravanjaHouse) in Cerknica with the promise and support from the director of the Museum of Notranjska, Valentin Schein, and the Municipality of Cerknica.
Slovenske pripovedne pesmi (Slovenian Narrative Songs) – performance at the Symposium on the Occasion of the 300th Anniversary of the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola by J. V. Valvasor, Snežnik Castle – LJ is heard for the first time by an academic audience.
Meeting with folk singers and folk musicians of Notranjska – LJ organises and hostes this cultural evening, which is the first presentation of folk music tradition of the region; the Cerknica Cinema, Ljoba Jenče; video recording by the Jože Udovič Public Library, Cerknica, co-organised by the Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD). For the first time, Marija and France Anzeljc – Petračeva from Bloke, Marija and France Plos and Tone Šumrada Jager from Loška dolina, Meri Kranjc from Cerknica, Angelca Košir and Stane Urh from Menišija perform in public as spontaneous folk singers.
Freelance Artist status, acquired by the state
Rešte se, rešte (Save Yourselves, Save Yourselves) – Dec. 15. Slovenian Archaic Songs in My Own Way, the first solo concert, with special guests, folk singers Micka and France Anzeljc – Petračeva from Bloke. Mladinsko Theatre (Slovensko mladinsko gledališče) in Ljubljana. Poster by Matjaž Vipotnik.
Traditional Singers and Musicians of Notranjska – LJ organizes, moderates the programme and performs at Druga godba Festival; concert, Musical Youth of Slovenia (JMI), Križanke Open-Air Stage, Ljubljana. Recorded by RTV Slovenia. An audio cassette with the same title is released in December. As editor, she also writes the accompanying text.
San se šetao (I Was Walking around) – LJ performs the song with Miško Baranja on the dulcimer on the same evening, Druga godba, Križanke.
Ženitovanja (Wedding Ceremonies and Rituals); O čarovnicah (On Witches), O navadah (On Customs) – Slovenian Land in Songs and Words, LJ produces the first three original broadcasts from Notranjska on Radio Slovenia in the folk music programme editorial, editor Jasna Vidakovič.
Protest for the recognition of Slovenia’s independence – Immediately after the war for Slovenia, with a new passport and a son not yet one year old, she sets off for a protest musical performance for the recognition of Slovenia’s independence and sovereignty at the Sidmouth Folk Festival in Devon, England.
Vigil – in front of the Yugoslav Embassy in London she joins members of the Slovenian Association and holds a vigil with her son – a protest sign reads SLOVENIAN INDEPENDENCE IS LEGAL.
Ljudska pesem poje v meni / Slovene Folk Songs (The Folk of a CD in Slovenia, with a booklet of all the texts with commentaries and translations in a cardboard sleeve. Accompanying text on achetypes by Marko Pogačnik, English translation by Matjaž Krainer, angel drawings by Ana Pogačnik, recording by Matjaž and Jure Culiberg.
Dolenje Jezero – recording of folk songs – field research and recording of villagers’ folk singing. Group recording by Radio Slovenia in Dolenje Jezero Firehouse. The material is the basis for the production of three original broadcasts.
International Storytelling Symposium, Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex. Udeleži se mednarodnega simpozija s podporo Občine Cerknica in Ministrstva za šolstvo. Antropozofski pristop, ki ga doživi kot najbolj naravnega ter voditelj Ashley Ramsden in celotna ekipa z udeleženci vred naredijo velik vtis nanjo in odloči se, da bo tak simpozij organizirala tudi v Sloveniji. Na simpoziju tudi aktivno sodeluje, predstavi izročilo ljudskih pesmi Slovenije.
LJ founds the PAJN Institute for Sustainable Living for Preservation of Cultural Heritage of Notranjska with two partners, but they later disband due to differences of interests, Ljoba continuing on her own. She acquires subsidies from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Economy.
. She organises and runs the First International Symposium of Storytellers in Slovenia, in the village Sv. Duh na Ostrem Vrhu on the Kozjak range, which also constitutes the first initiative to revitalise storytelling for the whole Balkan territory (FEST, Š. Frlic, Ljubljana, 2018). The most distinguished experts in the field give lectures. It is not until 2006 that a collection of articles by all 19 authors is published, entitled Sit next to Me, I’ll Tell You a Fairy Tale, issued by the Maribor Public Library.
The Rakov Škocjan School and Outdoor Education Centre (CŠOD). At the request of the director of the Postojna Forest Service, Mr. Maljevec, she tries for several months to establish a link with the National Education Institute to put the newly built facility in the hands of an institution that cares for the well-being of children. Thanks to her, the CŠOD Rak is allocated to the Municipality of Cerknica, which, however, does not authorise the timely connection of the water supply so she has to hold the Symposium of Storytellers in Štajerska (Styria) instead.
IDRIART BLED, for the first time she conducts folk music singing workshops for participants from abroad.
IDRIART FESTIVAL NEPAL, TIBET. She is a member of a team of artists from Europe led by Miha Pogačnik, violinist and cultural ambassador; they perform with artists from Kathmandu and Lhasa. She is well received by the people in both countries and in Kathmandu a crowd of several thousand people sings with her.
JEZERCI – Ljudske pesmi Cerkniškega polja / (Folk Songs of the Cerknica Plain); after publishing the material in three original broadcasts in the series Slovenska zemlja v pesmi in besedi (Slovenian Land in Songs and Words) (1993), she also releases an audio cassette of folk singing from the village of Dolenje Jezero with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Cerknica.
IDRIART FESTIVAL NEPAL, TIBET – LJ participates again in the art festival East meets West. In Kathmandu, a child recognises her from the previous year in the crowd of people at Bodnath Stupa and tugs on her sleeve: Hello, Rumpumpum Lady!
Tonalis Institute for Tonal Awareness, England – LJ attends Michael Deason Barrow’s ethereal tone seminar, studies Werbeck singing technique and eurhythmy.
Vancouver, Canada – visited Slovenian Canadians, giving a performance with storytelling and folk songs for children, and a concert for adults. As she notices the weak level of Slovenian language skills among young people, she decides to start a project “Srčna moč – ljudske pesmi skozi praznično leto / The Springs of Heart – Slovenian Folk Songs through the Festive Year”, presenting a selection of folk songs from all regions of Slovenia through the rhythm of the seasons, aimed primarily at Slovenian emigrant families worldwide.
Zadnji čoln / The Last Boat – (VPK, TVSLO, Ljubljana) directed by Jasna Hribernik. For the documentary film about Lake Cerknica, she records her first original melodies and interpretations of folk tunes.
She runs the first folk singing workshop in Slovenia – BLOKE – within the framework of the Folk Slovenia Cultural Society, she initiates the idea of folk singing workshops and acts as organiser and programme director. She brings together experts – the Institute of Ethnomusicology (GNI) and interpreters as well as the bearers of folk singing tradition.
Pojoči kamenčki / The Singing Stones – on TV Slovenia she prepares and records a series of original broadcasts featuring folk songs for children, directed by Zoran Lesič and Jasna Hribernik. The head editor of the youth programme editorial is Milan Dekleva.
Hyperborea CD – recording of an interpretation of the Inner-Carniolan folk song Kaj pa delajo ptički (What Are Little Birds Doing?) with jazz musicians Vlado Batista, Renato Chicco, Saša Olenjuk and others.
Rajhenburg – a vocal workshop run by LJ and a national gathering of folk singers make a breakthrough – JSKD (Public Fund for Cultural Activities) decides to start organising not only lectures on folk singing, but practical workshops as well.
Neiztrohnjeno srce / (The Imperishable Heart); on the occasion of the 200th birth anniversary of Dr. France Prešeren – Radio Slovenija/ZKP; arr. of Prešeren’s/traditional “Od Kralja Matjaža / (King Matjaž)”; Ljoba Jenče, vocal, Marino Kranjac, mandola. CD/Audio cassette, radio broadcast.
Baptism-celebration – 200th birth anniversary of France Prešeren; Bohinj – Kranj – Vrba – singing, storytelling, prayer, project of commemoration. Ljoba Jenče sings at the Savica waterfall and at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Bohinj, and on Dec. 3rd, 2000, on the anniversary of Prešeren’s baptism at the Church of St. Mark in Vrba.
Sodobna ljudska glasba na Slovenskem I / Modern Folk Music in Slovenia I, CD, Kulturno društvo Folk Slovenija (Folk Slovenia Cultural Society), Ljoba Jenče editor, vocal
Euromusica 2000 – at the invitation of TV Slovenia, she represents the Slovenian folk song at the European Meeting of TV Stations in Opatija, Croatia.
Škofjeloški pasijon / The Škofja Loka Passion Play, directed by Meta Hočevar, SNG Drama (Slovenian National Theatre) Ljubljana, theatre performance based on the text by Friar Romuald (1721), Ljoba appears as a guest singer. She prepares an original selection of ten devotional and ritual folk songs for the Stations of the Cross and interpretes them. She gives twenty performances. TV Slovenia occasionally broadcasts the recorded performance around the Easter holiday.
Christmas concert with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra at Cankarjev dom Congress and Cultural Centre Ljubljana – conductor David de Villiers. At the invitation of the composer Aldo Kumar, who as the author of the cantata Eno je dete rojeno (A Child Is Born) wants to include a traditional Epiphany carol and arrange it for orchestra, she chooses and sings the folk song from Resia “Orë ti triji krajave” (The Three Kings), Pavle Merkú, Milko Matičetov.
Srčna moč / The Springs of Heart – Slovenian Folk Songs through the Festive Year, CD for schools, kindergartens and Slovenians living abroad. The cardboard case is designed as a little house of four seasons. Participating children, and Dr. Tomi Trilar with bird sound recordings. Recording and sound design Boris Romih, VPK Ljubljana. Self-published. Premiered at the Natural History Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana,
The first visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Slovenia – Ljoba Jenče sings in the Tivoli Park as the only representative of Slovenia, along with the Gyuto Monks of Tibet. On this occasion, a record is released:
Lepote modrosti / (The Beauty of Wisdom) – Ljoba Jenče and Gyuto Monks of Tibet – joint prayer and a speech by the Dalai Lama in New Delhi. Recording venues: Lake Cerknica, Pleterje, the National Gallery of Ljubljana (Studio Berden). Ivo Svetina wrote a poem. The publication of the record is sponsored by Društvo za podporo Tibetu (The Tibet Support Society). Jasna Hribernik produces a video (VPK co-production).
Triglav, the Mountain of Peace – hiking with children of Veliki Gaber Primary School, concert at Kredarica.
Triglav – sand mandala offering by Tibetan monks at the summit, Sept. 14-15, 60 participants.
Argentina – with the support of the Ministry of Culture, she visits the Slovenian community in Argentina – she gives 21 performances for children and adults – Buenos Aires, Medoza, Bariloche. Children are fascinated by the songs and instruments and don’t want to let her go. For the first time, someone from Slovenia comes to visit the children. The concerts are organised by Tone Mizerit. She takes part in the 47th Slovenian Day celebration. Due to the economic crisis, the planned visit to Montevideo, Uruguay, cannot be realised. She also meets with members of the Triglav Slovene Association.
European Cultural Caravan IDRIART – Recognising the European Identity of the New European Community, the Michael Impulse. She leads the singing of harvest songs of the guest countries on the route Slovenia-Croatia-Bosnia- Italy.
Vis Musicae, the Mediterranean Women’s Voices Festival, Calabria, Italy – at the invitation of the vocal group Katice, LJ performs individually and together with them. She learns about the Tomatis method of language frequencies and meets an oceanologist with recordings of whales, which makes a strong impact on her for future projects.
Slovenian Folk Songs on Medieval Instruments – LJ presents a new repertoire with the multi-instrumentalist Janez Jocif – and with the Ensemble for Renaissance Music and Dance Cortesía led by Lidija Podlesnik, performing Renaissance dances.
Freising, Germany – On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the secularisation of the Archdiocese of Freising, LJ performs ancient Slovenian songs with Janez Jocif.
V čisti naravnosti (In Pure Naturalness) – with the academy-trained painter Terezija Bastelj, Ivan Napotnik Gallery in Velenje, LJ performs a rendition of the folk fairy tale “The Fairies of the Menina Mountain” in a special costume designed by the painter.
Pravljična šola (The Fairy Tale School) – the art of storytelling; at the Maribor Public Library, LJ establishes an education programme and conducts courses, creative speech workshops and seminars on archetypes, dialects and motifs for seven years in a row. Participants come from all over Slovenia. She also teaches in other places around Slovenia, e.g. Izola, Dovje, Trebnje, Ljubljana, Cerknica, Bloke, Snežnik Castle.
EBU – participation in a concert for the European Broadcasting Union – within the framework of Folk Slovenia Cultural Society on the occasion of Bogdana Herman’s 25th anniversary of her career.
Tri peresa ptiča vodomca (Three Feathers of the Kingfisher Bird) – Škofja Loka, leading a two-day workshop on the art of storytelling together with Nancy Thym, who gives hook harp lessons, an instrument played by itinerary minstrels. Škofja Loka Public Fund of Cultural Activities.
Evropske in slovenske srednjeveške balade (European and Slovenian Medieval Ballads), concert in the Loka Castle chapel, Škofja Loka: Nancy Thym, Thilo Viehrig, Janez Jocif and Ljoba Jenče.
Alpe (The Alps) – the Natural History Museum of Slovenia – performance at the opening of the exhibition The ALPS, opened by the Minister of Culture, Ms. Andreja Rihter.
European Identity Cultural Caravan, IDRIART- Bled, Ljubljana; performances in the Bled Castle chapel and at the Ljubljana Town Hall
On the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the first mention of the city of Ljubljana, Ljubljana Town Hall, Municipality of Ljubljana – honorary performance, LJ sets music to the folk ballad Trdoglav and Marjetica.
May 1, Kobarid – Slovenia’s Entry into the European Union, concert with Tomi Rauch, a convention of all border mayors. Kobarid Cultural Centre.
Brižinski spomeniki / The Freising Manuscripts – event of the millennium; National and University Library in Ljubljana – LJ solo performance at the exhibition opening and together with the Camerata Antiqua ensemble from Škofja Loka under artistic direction of Janez Jocif.
Samo en cvet (Just One Blossom) – the Gallus Hall of the Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, June 8, 2004, directed by Marjan Bevk – dedicated to Čedermac and to expatriate Slovenians; the Stane Rozman Foundation. LJ, solo performance, singing three ballads. TV Slovenia, live broadcast.
Armagh Festival, Ireland – reception and performances by musicians representing the newly acceded Member States on the occasion of the EU enlargement, June 18-19.
Zadnji čoln / (The Last Boat) – a documentary about Lake Cerknica (VPK, Ljubljana), directed by Jasna Hribernik, Ljoba Jenče original vocals and film consultancy, 1st prize for best documentary at the 7th Slovenian Film Festival.
Presihajoče jezero / The Intermittent Lake – a documentary about Lake Cerknica for TV broadcasting (TV Slovenia and VPK), directed by Jasna Hribernik, original vocals by Ljoba Jenče.
Rauma, Finland – performance at the opening of the exhibition of Slovenian creativity with Marino Kranjac; Government Information Office
Med hribi kačjih glav / (Among the Hills of Snake Heads) – a documentary film by TV Slovenia about the village of Lokovec. Educational programme editorial – director, Hanka Kastelic, script by Pavle Medvešček and Jadran Sterle, filming arrangement Miro Šuligoj, Alma Lapajne. Ljoba Jenče – original music for voice, inspiration for film content, acting, help with organisation.
Lahko noč, otroci / Good Night, Children – LJ selection, interpretation and adaptation of four folk tales, recorded for Radio Slovenia, editor Frane Podobnik.
GrazERZÄHLT – Ljoba Jenče is the first Slovenian to perform at the Graz Storytelling Festival in Austria. Festival director Folke Tegetthoff. LJ tells stories in Slovenian and in English.
425th anniversary of Kobilarna Lipica (the Lipica Stud Farm)– solo performance, TV Slovenia
“Nu pujte vsi ludje” (Now Sing, All the People) by Primož Trubar – recreation of the old poem by Trubar, recorded for Radio Slovenia. Project manager Albinca Pesek; Rokus Publishing House
Ogenj v Alpah / (Fires in the Alps) – performance at the pan-Alpine fire-lighting campaign, org. by Marjeta Svetel
Obredje ob mrtvih, Lokovec (Rituals for the Dead, Lokovec) – revival of the baking of prešce (traditional cornmeal buns) – ritual bread for the souls of the departed; LJ organizes and runs a vocal workshop in the framework of Folk Slovenia Cultural Society and in cooperation with the Lokovec Cultural Society; Radio Slovenia – recording for the First Channel.
Prešeren Prize for Students of the University of Ljubljana
– LJ performs at the award ceremony.
Na hrbtu ribe / (Poising Fish / in Deepness of Life) – an intercultural dialogue, an authorial project – Finland, Estonia, Slovenia. Concerts in Helsinki and Tallinn – on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Slovenian statehood. Government Communication Office of the Republic of Slovenia; Ljoba Jenče with co-creators and performers Sofia Joons, Sweden and Estonia, Mariane Maans, Finland, Marino Kranjac, Slovenia.
Pojoči kamenčki / (The Singing Stones), an original recital of folk songs in a film production by TV Slovenia, directed by Jasna Hribernik
Lepote modrosti / (The Beauty of Wisdom) – a joint concert with Gyuto monks of Tibet; Slovenj Gradec, Tibetan Culture Week. Organised by the Vagant Travellers’ Association, Maribor.
CNN – LJ appears in the video spot on Slovenia, directed by Jasna Hribernik.
Otroška pesmarica: Slovenske ljudske pesmi 2 / (Children’s Songbook: Slovenian Folk Songs 2), Mladinska knjiga; book and CD- LJ contributs 4 folk songs for the book and CD, recorded the vocals.
Domači pevci iz Lokovca (The Lokovec Folk Singers), a group of folk singers from Lokovec under her mentorship, is selected for the national meeting of folk singers, held by the JSKD, which is a great success for an ‘unknown’ village. They are members of the Lokovec Culture and Tourism Association.
Sončna zvezda / (The Solar Star) – collaboration with the academy-trained painter Tereza Bastelj, LJ tells stories and sings at the exhibition opening at the Krka Gallery, Novo mesto.
Moscow, Russia. Performance on the occasion of the visit of Prime Minister Janez Janša and Slovenian business people to Moscow. Performances at the Slovenian Embassy and at the exhibition V stičišču ustvarjalnosti (In the Crossroads of Creativity). Government Communucation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (UKOM RS).
10th Anniversary of the Folk Slovenia Cultural Society – LJ moderates the concert programme with numerous performers.
Sedi k meni, povem ti eno pravljico / (Sit next to Me, I’ll Tell You a Fairy Tale) – HER BOOK DEBUT IS PUBLISHED – handbook on the art of storytelling and proceedings of the first storytelling symposium, LJ editor, photographer, illustrator, writer; articles written by 19 authors, published by the Maribor Public Library
Slovenski magazin / Slovenian Magazine – LJ original contribution on Notranjska, TV Slovenia, international programme editorial
Proto-wheel (the oldest wooden wheel in the world), Brussels, Belgium – an archaeological exhibition in the Slovenian House, LJ original sound project – performance, collaboration with Marko Drpič, Maja Licul. LJ sings and writes the text in English; CD
7th Conservator-Restorers’ Professional Meeting organised by the Regional Museum Goriški muzej in Villa Bartolomei in Solkan – Ljoba Jenče performance, presentation of heritage
Na hrbtu ribe / (Poising Fish / in Deepness of Life) – intercultural dialogue – Estonia – Finland – Slovenia meeting of three musical heritages with ; Koper/Capodistria Regional Museum, St. Lawrence’s Church, Dolenja vas by Lake Cerknica, Ljoba Jenče and Marino Kranjac (Slovenia), Mariane Maans (Finland), Sofia Joons (Sweden, Estonia)
Aleksandrinke / The Alexandrian Women – performance in Prvačina at the opening of the exhibition
Alexandria, Egypt – performance at the installation of a memorial plaque in honour of Slovenian women working in Alexandria as wet nurses; organised by the Regional Museum Goriški muzej Kromberk, sponsored by the Municipality of Nova Gorica
Dharamsala, India – Gold Medal Ceremony for His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the USA – Ceremony in front of Lamas and locals – Ljoba Jenče sings.
Srinegar, Kashmir – ethnological convention, LJ performing in a wedding ritual for the bride.
Izročilo je živa sila / (Tradition is a Living Force) – Cerknica, Velenje – an original project on the occasion of the national holiday (This Merry Day of Culture on December 3rd), LJ brings together musicians in a new ensemble; Janez Jocif, medieval instruments, Marino Kranjac, Istrian heritage, Volk Folk, group of folk musicians of Brkini and wider region of Notranjska, Ljoba Jenče, voice and selections;
Je žalostna, ma je liepa ta pesem / (This Song Is Sad but Beautiful) – LJ participates by collecting, recording and editing material of folk songs from the area of Lokovec, Banjšice, Čepovan within the European project Gorizia on the Italian and Slovenian side. A book and a CD sre published. The project is led by the Lojze Bratuž Cultural Society, Gorizia, Italy.
NOTRANJSKO … je šla meglica z jezera … / (… A Mist Lifted from the Lake …). LJ publishes a CD of documentary recordings of folk singing from Notranjska from her own collection 1988-2007 and from the archives of the Institute of Ethnomusicology (GNI) 1957-68. Sponsored by the Municipality of Cerknica. LJ prepares a full-length presentation in the Cerknica Cultural Centre in cooperation with the Cerknica Carnival Society; participants: Dr. Marko Terseglav, scientific associate of the GNI ZRC SAZU, guests VOLK FOLK, Marino Kranjac, children and folk singers.
The Royal Society, London, England – Opening of the exhibition J. V. Valvasor, Slovenec by Homeland – European by Spirit. LJ performed on the occasion of the handover of digitised correspondence of J. V. Valvasor with members of the Royal Society in London from 1685 to 1689. LJ is invited by UKOM, with the participation of the Bogenšperk Public Institute and the Technical Museum of Slovenia, Bistra.
- V. Valvasor: Slovenec po rodu – Evropejec po duhu / J. V. Valvasor: Slovenec by Homeland – European by Spirit: Bogenšperk Castle and Rajhenburg Castle, performances at the openings of the exhibition with Janez Jocif, medieval musical instruments.
- V. Valvasor, Slava vojvodine Kranjske / (J. V. Valvasor: The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola) – performance at the Jože Udovič Public Library, Cerknica on the occasion of the acquisition of an original copy of the book.
Obnovljen grad Snežnik / (The Restored Snežnik Castle) – a performance at the opening of the restored Snežnik Castle. Ministry of Culture.
Poslušam kovača – ljudske pesmi, viže in govor / (I Listen to the Blacksmith – Folk Songs, Tunes and Narratives) – LJ records and edits a CD of folk singing and local speech from Lokovec, Banjšice, Čepovan, Kal nad Kanalom; published by the Lokovec Culture and Tourism Associaton. Sound engineer Borut Čelik. Sponsored by the Municipality of Nova Gorica.
Sedem let me moraš čakat / (Seven Years You Must Wait for Me) – Cerovo Castle, concert, a new programme of medieval songs and ballads accompanied by medieval instruments – Ljoba Jenče and Janez Jocif. Grosuplje Cultural Association.
Mrliške pesmi / (Death Songs) – Zreče – mentor to local singers from Lokovec, their performance is recorded for an album.
Oslo, Norway – National Day – performance at the Oslo Folk Music Association, helping to establish links with partners to support the TO THE PEOPLE project on the Trnovo Plateau EEA grants 2008/09.
Prešce – bread for the departed souls; Slovenian Land in Songs and Words, Radio Slovenia, based on research of folk song and ritual material in Lokovec and its surroundings, Ljoba Jenče organises a recording in Lokovec at Arnešt’s on the topic of the ritual bread ‘prešce’. Editor Simona Moličnik, participants: Local Singers from Lokovec and neighbours, Lokovec Culture and Tourism Association.
Argentina – Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Bariloche – a programme of folk narrative songs, performances together with the Račna Folklore Group in Slovenian cultural centres and on “Okence v svet (A Little Window to the World)” radio programme.
Scotland and England – touring with the Ljubljana Waldorf Choir. Solo performance in Edinburgh at St. Egidius Cathedral.
Fabelhaft (Fabulous) – International Storytelling Festival, Vienna, St. Polten, Austria – at the invitation of the Austrian storyteller Folke Tegetthoff, Ljoba performs Slovenian fairy tales together with 12 storytellers from all over the world.
320th Anniversary of J. V. Valvasor’s Glory of the Duchy of Carniola. Bogenšperk Castle – LJ prepares a programme of ancient songs on medieval and traditional instruments – Ljoba Jenče, Janez Jocif, Marino Kranjac, and presents the “Bloke skier”, Polde Mišič, folk singers Marija and France Anzeljc – Petračeva, and the tradition of the “Jezerci”, with Tone Lovko Vrdjan.
100th birth anniversary of Lojze Perko – Snežnik Castle, LJ performs at the opening of the exhibition. Art critic Milček Komelj, actress Marjana Brecelj, mayors of Loška dolina and Cerknica; organised by Tomaž Perko and the Friends of Snežnik Castle Society.
Etnohistria – LJ teaches singing of Slovenian folk songs at a youth camp in Gradišče, Istria, and performs at their concert, video recorded by TV Koper/Capodistria.
Alma Karlin, TV Slovenija, Kinoteka, Ljubljana – at the invitation of the dramaturge Vilma Štritof LJ sings a Slovenian folk ballad at the preview of the documentary film, attended by the State President Danilo Türk.
Ljubljana Castle – Medieval Day – Castle Chapel – a concert, Ljoba Jenče performs with Janez Jocif, narrates the fairy tale of Makalonca to children in the castle courtyard. Organised by Mini teater, KUD Sredina .
Strasbourg, France, European Parliament – Gala concert of Slavic cultures – Ljoba Jenče – opening song. On the initiative of Moscow, the Forum of Slavic Cultures organises a gala concert themed around the folk traditions of the Slavic peoples. Musicians from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Czech Republic… and Slovenia take part. The artistic direction is assumed by the Osipov State Russian Folk Orchestra from Moscow, conducted by Oleg Ossipov. During Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of Europe, Ljoba Jenče performs the opening song a capella and one accompanied by Boris Šinigoj on the lute.
Pod Napoleonovim orlom / (Under Napoleon’s Eagle) – National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana – opening performance, singing three folk songs from the tradition of military and narrative songs. On the occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon’s Illyrian Provinces.
Umetnost pripovedovanja pravljic / (The Art of Storytelling) – Maribor, Kralj Vrba (The Willow King) – LJ leads the Fairy Tale School at the Maribor Public Library for the seventh year in a row, this time in tandem with artistic speech coach Sarah Kane.
Storytelling, Rotovž, Maribor – performance for children and adults.
Ljubljanca, Ljubljanca, oh kaj se godi (Ljubljanca, Ljubljanca, oh What Is Happening) – LJ hosts the annual concert of Folk Slovenia Cultural Society – heroic-historical and other songs and tunes from the oral tradition, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana. On the 20th anniversary of her music career, Ljoba Jenče receives the KD Folk Slovenia recognition award. 60 musicians performed. For the first time, the concert brings together research fellows of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and the Institute of Ethnomusicology (GNI ZRC SAZU) with folk music interpreters in Folk Slovenia Cultural Society.
Notranjsko … je šla meglica z jezera … / (… A Mist Lifted from the Lake …) – a songbook to folk songs published on the CD of the same name is issued, with music notations of the melodies and transcriptions of the lyrics. Edited by Ljoba Jenče, expert text by Dr Marko Terseglav, transcriptions of the melodies by Dr Urša Šivic, (self-published). Sponsored by the Municipality of Cerknica, the Ministry of Culture and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO in Ljubljana.
Meglica ‘z jezera / (A Mist from the Lake) – Cerknica Cultural Centre; LJ solo concert with guests on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of her music career.
LJUDEM / (TO THE PEOPLE) – as a fruition of several years’ work, a book of the heritage of the Trnovo-Banjščice plateau is published, in which L. Jenče contributes an original article, “On the Importance of Folk Singing”. At the promotion on Dec. 10, 2010 in the village of Grgar, she performs and also introduces the ethnological group Domači pevci iz Lokovca (The Lokovec Folk Singers), along with documentary recordings of folk singing. In May 2008, Ljoba Jenče establishes a contact between the the non-governmental organizations of the region and the Norwegian Museums Association.
Gala Concert of Slavic Cultures – Paris, France – UNESCO headquarters; a reception at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, Moscow, Russia – Christ the Saviour Church, reception by the Patriarch. She performs as the only representative of Slovenia.
Slovenija. odmevi večnosti / Slovenia. Echoes of Eternity, publication of a booklet with a CD of Slovenian ballads, ritual and other folk songs, Mohorjeva Klagenfurt and Ljoba Jenče. Musical guests: Uroš Polanc, trombone, Domen Marinčič, viola da gamba, Janez Jocif, psaltery, portative, Nina Volk, dulcimer, Dušan Mamut Badovinac Zupanič, gongs and fujara. Translation of texts into English. Design by Jana Jocif. Promotion: Godibodi Festival, Stara elektrarna (Old Power Station) and Folk Slovenia Cultural Society. Supported by the Ministry of Culture.
UN-Grand Hall, New York, USA – Gala Slavic Concert, Ljoba Jenče performs with the Osipov State Russian Folk Orchestra from Moscow, conducted by Oleg Ossipov. Ceremonial address by Andreja Rihter, President of the Forum of Slavic Cultures.
Slovenian Book Fair, Cankarjev dom – performance at the opening, Da lipa ma, arranged by L. Jenče and U. Polanc. Directed by Matej Filipčič.
Rezija / Resia, concert with the Youth from Zbilje – after several months of leading folk singing workshops in Zbilje, Ljoba Jenče presents the results of her work with the group to the local audience in the church in Ravanca, Resia (Italy). Other participants: Dušan Osojnik with gongs and Janez Jocif with medieval instruments.
Life after the Tsunami, Bangkok, Thailand – Chulalongkorn University, international conference, at the invitation of ethnomusicologist Kjell Skylstad. LJ presents the Slovenian mythological tradition of the world-bearing fish and the project ‘With the Youth of Zbilje’. She conducts a storytelling workshop for Indonesian and Thai students.
“Prakolo” (“Proto-wheel”) – the oldest wooden wheel in the world, City Museum of Ljubljana, charity concert
Parzival – INTERNATIONAL STORYTELLING SYMPOSIUM – LJ manages the organisation and execution of the event – storytelling of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s medieval epic Parzival in three languages, German, English and Slovenian, with workshops in Ptuj. As the executive director of PAJN Institute, she assumes the organisation in Slovenia and heads the event with her partners Micaela Sauber, Storytellers without Borders, Germany, Inger Lise Oelrich, Alba, Sweden, and Alexander MacKenzie, Ireland. She coordinates the Slovenian group for the translation and narration of the epic. Other contributing partners: David Peršič, lecturer, Vida and Mario Talajič Ćuletić, eurhythmics and lecture, Ivan Peternelj, recitations, theatre actor. Opening: artistic part: Ensemble for Renaissance Music and Dance Cortesía, artistic director Lidija Podlesnik Tomášiková; lecturers: Slavko and Jan Ciglenečki. Sponsored by: Ptuj City Municipality, Muzikafe, Hotel Mitra, the Minorite Monastery, the Ivan Potrč Public Library Ptuj, the Ptuj-Ormož Regional Museum, the Bistra Development Agency, Ptuj, the Ptuj Primary School and the Ptuj Grammar School.
On the Importance of Storytelling for Young People in Shaping European Identity – LJ moderator of the round table, Ptuj. Participants: all the storytellers and Parzival-Symposium chairs, and Miha Pogačnik, violinist, founder of the Idriart Festival and the Terra Parzival Project. Honorary patron Ivo Vajgl; project supported by Alde Group of EP members.
The Heritage House – Educational Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage, Dolenja vas 70c, Cerknica, founded by Ljoba Jenče. The centre is situated on the site of the first distillery of essential oils in Slovenia, built in 1894. It operates as an organisational unit of the private non-profit institution Pajn, which she owns and runs.
V istem čolnu – mladi čuvarji izročila / (In the Same Boat – Young Guardians of Heritage – EEA grant; successful application and launching of the project at the Heritage House of Heritage of the Pajn Institute in Dolenja vas. Call for proposals and start of research and education in cooperation with the Notranjska Regional Park, Valentin Schein, director and archaeologist, and experts from various fields of knowledge.
Splovitev drevaka / (Launching of a drevak boat) – European Heritage Days – launching of a new boat on Lake Cerknica, made by young people under the guidance of Anton Lovek, knowledge holder, and under the mentorship of Ljoba Jenče, PAJN, and Zorislava Makoter, Secondary School for Forestry and Wood Technology (SGLŠ). Patronage: Marjutka Hafner, Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, Ljubljana, and Atle Ove Martinussen, MUHO, Bergen (Norway); sponsored by the Municipality of Cerknica, and EEA grants.
Flax breaking demonstration and an exhibition in the Heritage House – European Cultural Heritage Days – LJ leads an encounter with the intangible cultural heritage of the Bela krajina region including a demonstration of flax processing skills; she narrates fairy tales; an exhibition of Norwegian knitting patterns and textile creations by students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of the University of Ljubljana is also put on display. Cooperation with Urša Telič Miler and Helena Vičič, Kolpa Landscape Park. EEA grant.
Bucharest, Romania – a concert organised by the Embassy of Slovenia and the Lectureship of Slovenian Language at the University of Bucharest. Screening of the film Zadni čoln (The Last Boat) (VPK; Ljubljana), director Jasna Hribernik. Supported by: EEA grants, Municipality of Cerknica, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
V začetku je bila beseda (In the Beginning Was the Word) – Traces of Eternity – Ars, Radio Slovenia, Third Channel, LJ appearance at the Slovenian Book Fair as part of a live broadcast of a discussion on Judaism, Christianity and Islam, author Boštjan Debevec. The guests: Margit P. Alhady, Dr. Lev Kreft and Dr. Jože Krašovec.
Paris, France- Slovenian Cultural Holiday – a concert of Slovenian narrative and other folk songs, storytelling, organised by L’Association des Slovènes de Paris (the Slovenian Society in Paris).
Young Guardians of Tradition – leading the EEA grants project 2014-16.
National celebration June 25, Independence Day – performances of Da lipa ma and O lepa moja Vida (Oh My Fair Vida) with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, conductor Simon Krečič and soloist Uroš Polanc on trombone. Directed by Neda Rusjan.
Expo Gate, Milan, Italy – performance at the opening and promotional video Meglica (A Mist) – Ljoba Jenče with an arrangement of a folk song from Lake Cerknica, boatman Anton Lovko and the launching of a new deblak boat; directed by Jasna Hribernik.
Il canto spontaneo (The Spontaneous Singing) Festival, Udine, Italy -LJ performs with Sandro Quaglia and conducted a vocal workshop.
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival – Book III; storytelling and singing as part of the Days of Wine and Poetry Festival, Ptuj, at Ptuj Regional Museum. Ivan Peternelj, recitation, Marjana Benčina, recitation of the original and Minnesang in Middle High German, Ljoba Jenče, storytelling and Minnesang. Organised by the Beletrina Publishing House, Ljubljana.
Drevak (The drevak boat) – entry of a new unit (making of a lake boat) and holder (Anton Lovko) in the national register of intangible cultural heritage at the Ministry of Culture – on the initiative of Ljoba Jenča, the entry is accepted due to the highly successful EEA grants project and with the participation of experts and local people.
Medal for merit for the preservation of folk music and the verbal arts – the President of the Republic of Slovenia awards Ljuba Jenče the Medal for Merit on the proposal of Simona Moličnik, MA, editor at Radio Slovenia. Drago Kunej and Nenad Firšt perform at the award ceremony, playing the trstenke (pan flutes), an original Slovenian folk instrument.
Young Guardians of Heritage – exhibition, certificate award ceremony and project closing, EEA grants.
Spomin sveta zapoje v meni / (The Memory of the World Sings in Me) – an original multimedia project in collaboration with film director Jasna Hribernik and composer Bojana Šaljić Podešva. Installation, video projection and musical improvisation. Premiere at the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, second performance at the Mladinsko Theatre, third performance at the Božidar Jakac Gallery, Kostanjevica na Krki (2017). Ministry of Culture, White Balance, Ljubljana, PAJN, Cerknica.
Viljandi, Estonia – EBU European Radio Stations at a folk festival – Ljoba Jenče performing with Sandro Quaglia and Bojana Šaljić Podešva at the invitation of Radio Slovenia.
Soomaa National Park, Pärnu, Estonia – presentation of a model of protection and promotion of intangible cultural heritage in the Heritage House within the Notranjska Regional Park aimed at the development of tourism, Slovenia.
Dubrovnik, Croatia – Human Dignity Conference – presenting the intangible cultural heritage project »In the same boat – Young Guardians of Heritage 2014-16« of the Pajn Institute/The Heritage House, partnered with Atle Ove Martinussen, UNESCO trainer and director ofthe handicraft museum chain in Hordaland (MUHO), Bergen, Norway.
Dubrovnik, Croatia – Tex talks – performances in English at the invitation of local people with the Young Guardians of Heritage project to motivate the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of Dubrovnik.
Europa Nostra Awards – Turku, Finland, award – Special Mention of the Jury, European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards 2017, category Education, Training, and Awareness-raising for the project ‘In the same boat – Young Guardians of Heritage (YGH)’ 2014-16 – transfer of intangible cultural heritage from the older to the younger generation in the Heritage House at Lake Cerknica. Partners: Atle Ove Martinussen, MUHO i Hordaland, Bergen, Norway, Cvetka Kernel, Secondary School for Forestry and Wood Technology , Postojna, Boreo Postojna. Loba Jenče, author of the YGH model, project manager, founder and director of PAJN Institute for Sustainable Living and the Heritage House. The professional institutions involved are: the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, represented by Miran Erič; the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum, represented by Barbara Sosič; the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, represented by Marjutka Hafner; the National Museum of Slovenia, the Ministry of Culture, and individual supporters: Jasna Hribernik, film director; Branko Čeak, photographer and others.
Pikina ambasadorka / (Pippi’s Ambassador) – honorary patron of the Pippi Longstocking Festival in Velenje.
Pis(a)na kulturna dediščina / (Written/Colourful Cultural Heritage), a nationwide conference of libraries, Celje, organised by Celje Central Library and the Library Association of Celje – Ljoba Jenče gives a presentation of the “Young Guardians of Heritage” project.
25th Charitable St Nicholas Concert, TV Slovenija and Rotary Club, hosted by Ljoba Jenče and Viki Grošelj. Grand Union Hall, Ljubljana. LJ also performs the opening song about St Nicholas, arr. Jaka Pucihar Jr., with the Radio Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Simon Krečič. Editor for serious music and ballet: Danica Dolinar.
Mrzli studenec, Kobarid – a performance with Tomaž Plahutnik on zither, in honour of the old ancestral faith and the restoration of the site by the well, where in 1331 the Knights of Aquileia buried the sacred well and cut down the tree that local pre-Christian ancestors had worshipped. Pavle Medvešček attended the event. Kobarid Tourism Association (TD Kobarid).
The Kresnik Award – performance at the award ceremony for the best Slovenian novel of the year, held on Rožnik Hill. Organised by DELO Publishing House, Ljubljana.
Umetnost pripovedovanja pravljic / (The Art of Storytelling) – Dobrnič, for the eleventh time, LJ organises and conducts a workshop for storytellers and gives a closing concert with the participants. Organised by JSKD Trebnje.
Wolfram von Eschenbach: Parzival, Book III, translation by Marjana Benčina; storytelling, recitation, Minnesang, with Marjana Benčina and Ivan Peternelj. Snežnik Castle.
Voda / Water – European Heritage Days, Piran, in cooperation with the Anbot Society, LJ designs the programme and gives a performance in the atrium of the Minorite Monastery.
Sculptura Cantanda (The Singing Sculpture) – in collaboration with the academy-trained sculptor Milena Braniselj, installation of a sculpture exhibition and sound imagination. Snežnik Castle Gallery.
Sound and Voice Workshop – Maribor Art Gallery, LJ conducts a workshop for a deeper experience of the works of art in the exhibition with help of sound and voice.
Slovenija. Odmevi večnosti / Slovenia. Echoes of Eternity – concert at the Velenje Festival with guests: Domen Marinčič, viola da gamba, Žan Tkalec, trombone.
Od Marije Cerkniške / (Saint Mary of Cerknica), Zelše – a concert; Ljoba Jenče, vocals and Jure Goručan, vibraphone. Slovenian folk songs in original arrangement and interpretation. Celebrating the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
Fabelhaft (Fabuous), Bad Schönau, Austria,, a tour with the installation The Memory of the World Sings in Me/Tales of the Fish – Ljoba Jenče, Jasna Hribernik, Bojana Šaljić Podešva.
O lepa moja Vida (Oh My Fair Vida) – a tour in Argentina – Buenos Aires, UCEMA – a recital of Slovenian ballads, a commented concert, with the participation of Teatro Colon trombonist Alejandro Daniel Parra and Damjan Ahlin from the Slovenian Cultural Action with translations into Spanish; presentation of the award-winning project Young Guardians of Heritage – EEA grant, the transfer of intangible cultural heritage to young people. Screening of the film Zadnji čoln (The Last Boat) (VPK, Ljubljana), directed by Jasna Hribernik. Organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia, Ambassador Ms. Jadranka Šturm. 13 foreign embassies attended the event.
She also performs at the premises of Slovenian associations in Buenos Aires and Mendoza, where she leads a vocal workshop for female students at Escuela de Magisterio (College of Education) and promotes Slovenian folk song. Supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Most kakor kamen kost (A Bridge as Strong as Stone and Bone) – a concert tour in Serbia – LJ heads the presentation project of the preserved heritage of the Uskoki in Slovenia and the promotion of Slovenian folk songs in three cities – Belgrade, Pančevo, Subotica, with musical guests: Svetlana Spajić, researcher and singer of traditional songs, Boris Kovač, instrumentalist and composer, Jure Goručan, pianist, Jasna Hribernik, documentary video. Expert associates: Dr Svetlana Slapšak and Dr Marko Terseglav. Supported by Radio Beograd, TV Pink.
Božična uvertura (Christmas Overture), by Gal Gjurin, Ljoba Jenče selection, singing stones and voice, Danijel Bogataj, violin, Cantabile Symphony Orchestra, Logatec, conductor Marjan Grdadolnik, concert in Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana and Logatec Sports Hall (Jan 1, 2019).
Conference for teachers working in the neighbouring countries, Gorizia, Italy – performance, organised by the National Education Institut of the Republic of Slovenia.
IOCTI 2018 – Bled, World congress of organisational and family constellations: “Organizational Constellations from Life for the Community”; LJ performance, presentation of Slovenian regions and their heritage.
Krems, Austria, guest appearance on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the First World War, LJ performs together with the Lokovec Cultural and Tourism Association, the Kal nad Kanalom Folklore Group and Tomaž Plahutnik.
O lepa moja Vida / Oh My Fair Vida – Ljoba Jenče and Jure Goručan, piano, main event on the Slovenian Cultural Holiday; Cerknica Cultural Society.
200th Anniversary of Postojna Cave – solo performance in the cave, Sveti Sintilavdić (Saint Sintilavdić), arrangement of a folk song from Resia, Godec pred peklom (The Fiddler at the Gates of Hell). Directed by Matej Filipčič. TV Slovenia.
Pernahtna nit (The Pernahti Thread) – a concert series celebrating the 30th anniversary of Ljoba Jenče’s musical career, with musical guests: Svetlana Spajič, singer of traditional songs of Serbia, Belgrade, the Božo Račič Folklore Group , Adlešiči, the Children’s Folklore Group Črnomelj, Zoran Škrinjar, pianist, Lenart Krečič, saxophonist, the Rože majave Singing Group, the Museum of the Resian People, Paola Zuzzi, Renato Quaglia, the Val Resia Folklore Group, the Kal nad Kanalom Folklore Group, the Cintare Singing Group, , the KD Godba Cerknica brass orchestra. Video recording, directed by Jasna Hribernik. Concert venues: Metlika, Zelše, Ljubljana, Solbica, Nova Gorica, Ljubljana, Cerknica. Ministry of Culture, Pridi zvečer na Grad, Muzej rozajanskih judi, White Balance, Municipality of Cerknica, Imago Sloveniae, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Pajn Cerknica.
Viinistu, Estonia – Viinistu Art Museum, guest appearance with concert at the art conference entitled “Genius Loci. Art and Nature”, at the invitation of the National Heritage Board, Tallinn.
Ceremonial academy on the National Cultural Holiday in Domžale – a commented concert on folk tradition of the Domžale region and the programme O lepa moja Vida (Oh My Fair Vida) with pianist Jure Goručan upon the release of a CD. Pivec Publishing House, Maribor, KD Franc Bernik Domžale.
O lepa moja Vida (Oh My Fair Vida) – a discussion evening on the Slovenian folk tradition of ballads and myths, SNG Drama Ljubljana Café. Interview with Ljoba Jenče moderated by Igor Škamperle, organised by the Slovene Writers’ Association, represented by Nina Kokalj.
Somnus – Fremantle Festival, Australia – Slovenian-Australian project – touring, participation in a poetry installation by Jennifer Kornberger directed by Horst Kornberger (Theater of The Sea) with co-authors from Slovenia. Supported by the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad, a donation to the project by Marjana Kaker. Perth – LJ also appears at the Slovenian Club in Perth with a lecture with a workshop Young Guardians of Heritage and The European Heritage of Archetypes in the Slovenian Folk Song. Minister Peter Česnik also visited the emigrants at the ceremony. Supported by the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad.
Pozabljena pesem univerzuma (The Forgotten Song of the Universum) – a working grant – a medley of seven folk songs with seven tones and moods, with a view to the connection of folk music with the universe. Ljoba Jenče develops a recital linked to the musical heritage of Gregorian chant and Renaissance music with Katarina Šter and the vocal group insula memoriae, interpretations of narrative songs with the actor Ivan Peternel, and a rendition of folk songs in eurythmic movement with Vida and Mario Talajić Čuletić. Semi-annual survey. Performance of a concert laboratory at the Ljubljana City Museum. Lighting by Mini teater Ljubljana. Due to the pandemic, the execution of the programme was adapted to the situation. Supported by the Ministry of Culture.
Lamentationes (Lamentations) – Basel, Switzerland,a concert dedicated to Slovenian music of the 16th-17th centuries as a part of the concert cycle ‘In fremden Landen’ (In Foreign Lands) by Ensemble Ad Fontes; works by Jacobus Gallus, Janez Krstnik Dolar, Andreas Heiniger and folk music. Concert in Kartäuserkirche (Carthusian Church). Ensemble Ad Fontes and the special guest Ljoba Jenče with devotional Slovenian folk songs.
Communication Echolocation, Pixxelpoint, KD Nova Gorica. Jasna Hribernik and Ljoba Jenče, with partner Mark Franklin, Oceania Project, Australia, and collaborators Borut Čelik, Assist. Prof. Dr. Andreea Oarga-Mulec, University of Nova Gorica, Assist. Prof. Dr. Janez Mulec, ZRC SAZU, Tomaž Šimnovec and Zala Zia Lenardič. Due to the pandemic, the event is only available online:
The experimental performative project COMMUNICATION Echolocation is conceived as a crossing of selected contexts from the field of science and art. The interaction between scientific processes in the field of biology and artistic strategies of contemporary artistic practice happens with a purpose. The project aims to create problem fields, to point to new civilizational paradigms, to other worlds yet to be created.