Ljoba Jenče
Preserver of oral tradition
The voice is coming from the future. It has to re-emerge again and again. To etch itself on the memory of the world. Or there is no me. The words I speak, the songs I sing …
The soul’s heartful fiddler plays on my body. He makes the consonants of the earth hum and the vowels fly in the resonance of the spheres and nature, as I pour out the soundwaves of light.
Yes. I have committed myself to oral tradition. It lives in us from ancient times.
Here, by Lake Cerknica, the seeds of distant stars have been planted in me. And frogspawn.
As a freelance artist, I collect, preserve, witness and teach.
I sing folk songs and tell stories to children and adults at home and around the world.
The larynx is the organ in which the future, the infinite forms of inimitable individualities and human voices are born. In communication with creatures of nature, its potential of supraverbal powers is revealed.
One’s self forms a voice through the larynx as it transmits cosmic voices to this side of existence. At the same time it animates itself, its body, with voices. It means that it is the generator of life. Connected to the source. To the soul of the universe and of man.
Upcoming events
glas je moje vesolje – seminar na otoku Ižu – 19. do 26. julij 2025
petje in meditacija v času animacije – 12. do 19. julij 2025 www.korinjak.com za PRIJAVE v hotel in kamp do
Jasna Hribernik, Ljoba Jenče: Komunikacija eholokacija
Event signup
My life has been profoundly changed by performances in the Himalayas, in Tibet and Nepal, in Alexandria in Egypt, in the halls of the United Nations in New York, UNESCO in Paris, and the Royal Academy in London, the Church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow … I stood there and sang as a representative of the small Slovenian nation, which nevertheless bears in its tradition purified relics of folk art and contributes equally to the world’s cultural heritage of mankind.