

For thirty years and more, Ms Ljoba has been connected with folk song, as a listener, collector, researcher and, above all, as a performer. She is immersed in folk culture and music with her soul, because the soul of folk song itself has won her over with its appeal. Now the singer is reaching out to us and telling us that folk song is not just a musical genre, but a conveyor of eternally valid thoughts. Ms Ljoba Jenče wishes to pass on a rich cultural tradition to enthusiasts and to all of us. To the young, to the old, to all those who are more oriented towards urban culture or those who are more inclined towards rustic culture. That is why Ljoba’s creativity has many faces, from traditional interpretativeness to the purely personal, from folk heritage to the concert stage. She wants the folk song to speak to everyone. Both with its musical and verbal poetics. From elementary Resian vocal music to the latest identity image of love songs, in which centuries of artistic messages are enveloped. The singer follows that thought of Herder*, written by this great German cultural reformer and pastor more than two hundred years ago, which is still valid today, especially also for Ljoba’s singing, when he said:

»A folk song is the soul’s agreement with itself, and its beauty lies in its naturalness and elementality.« *

Marko Terseglav, PhD


PERNAHTNA NIT  (The Pernahti Thread) 

concert with video projection for voice, piano and saxophone
Ljoba Jenče, vocal, Zoran Škrinjar, piano, Lenart Krečič, saxophone, Jasna Hribernik, video
Slovenian traditional ballads and love songs.


In Resia, the Pernahti thread was spun by the ancestors on the Holy Night of the Three Kings out of flax or sheep’s wool to protect pregnant women and all those who had to set out into the world. The belief in the mythical being of Pehta Sredozimka as a shining being who gives blessings to herds and fields, spins flax and strews soft hail in winter is a remnant of the indigenous Alpine culture of the Slovenians. With the symbolic title, the author wishes to address the spinning of quality threads between people, with the most beautiful thing we have, the spiritual tradition of folk music, performed and cherished by eminent Slovene artists on the one hand, and by the ordinary people in the countryside on the other. It is the thread linking the past with the future, a means to strengthen our spiritual connection, language, music, between earth and sky, a link between generations, various arts, communities, urban and rural, Slovenian and international. It is the thread between this side and the side beyond, between me and you, between man and nature, which the author herself tirelessly spins by collecting traditions, researching and performing, by publishing documentary material and by carrying out her own projects at home and abroad.



concert for voice, viola da gamba and trombone
Ljoba Jenče, Domen Marinčič, Žan Tkalec
Slovenian mythological, ritual and narrative songs, published on the CD of the same name and with English translations, published with full texts and commentaries.

DEVICE TRI KRESUJEJO (Three Maidens Celebrate Midsummer’s Night)

Slovenske ljudske pripovedne pesmi (Slovenian traditional narrative songs)
Ljoba Jenče, voice and gong with Tomaž Plahutnik on the zither

PREDI, PREDI HĆÍ MOJÁ (Spin, Spin, Daughter of Mine)

ethno concert of folk songs and tunes from Slovenian peripheral regions 

Ljoba Jenče, voice, Istrian bajs (a cello-like bowed string instrument) and Marino Kranjac, voice, violin, Istrian bellows, mandola

The Medieval German epic PARZIVAL, Book III, by Wolfram von Eschenbach (1170-1220)

Parzival is the most beautiful epic of medieval Europe and constitutes the first literary work dealing with an individual, an individuum. A young man finds the Holy Grail, but loses it because of his youth and ignorance. His mistakes cause complications, but after an inner transformation he becomes the king of the grail. Duration of the event: about an hour and a half, depending on the introduction and the audience, singing, storytelling and recitation. As a knight, Wolfram spent a period of his life in Slovenia, in the area around Ptuj.

COMMUNICATION Echolocation – a multimedia installation

Jasna Hribernik and Ljoba Jenče in collaboration with Mark Franklin/The Oceania Project, Borut Čelik, Assist. Prof. Dr. Andrea Oarga-Mulec, the University of Nova Gorica, Assist. Prof. Dr. Janez Mulec, ZRC SAZU, Tomaž Šimnovec and Zala Zia Lenardič.

A dialogue with the world’s greatest creatures, whales. Science and art encounter each other through perceptions of the communication of worlds, inaudible to ordinary ears, but crucial for our existence. In fact, they exist, they are constantly emerging and, through the experience of space, they both give meaning to and limit our existence. By experiencing the performance, we become aware of the infinity of the sound and existence fields.

We need a gallery room or a hall with the possibility of mounting an installation.


SRČNA MOČ ali KONJIČEK, KI V RITKI PISKA (The Springs of the Heart, or, A Clay Horse Penny Whistle)

Folk instruments and children’s songs through seasons and across regions, optionally it can be just a storytelling hour.

For kindergartens and 1st and 2nd triads

PERESCE ZLATEGA PTIČKA (Feather of the Golden Birdie) – children’s fairy tales from the Slovenian heritage

Ljoba Jenče, voice, mini zither, lyre, singing stones, gudalo (ceramic bass)

For the youngest children in kindergartens, families and schoolchildren in the 1st and 2nd triads.

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